Welcome to Semesta Teknologi Informatika
Established in 2012, Semesta Teknologi Informatika is a national private company specialized and experienced in the Industry of Information Technology that covers Hardware, Software, Networking, IT Development and other related solution (One-Stop IT Solution).
Your One Stop IT Solution
Video Conference & Digital Workspace

Endpoint Security & Advance Threat

Cloud Platform & DevOps

Document Collaboration

Visit our Products & Services
We provide you a good quality products and service to give you the best experience and satisfaction
Secure Cloud Bundle

Paket Hemat
Nikmati layanan tambahan berupa
- Video Conference
- Push Mail
- Mailbox Sebesar 50GB
- Tool pengerjaan dokumen secara simultan
Cukup hanya dengan tambah
Rp. 32.000/user
*Syarat dan Ketentuan
- Untuk mengecek coverage layanan, silahkan hubungi tim sales kami
- Harga belum termasuk PPN
- Tersedia juga paket dalam jumlah bandwidth dan item yang berbeda, untuk info lebih lanjut hubungi tim sales kami